Customer ratings for Peony Fragrance Oil

Peony Fragrance Oil

Peony Fragrance Oil - the most delicious, fabulous, pretty, exquisite, floral delight (can you guess that I absolutely adore this aroma?!).

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 5
Honey love
from Anonymous on 02/03/2021
If we had to use the word beautiful to describe a scent then it would be this peony for sure. It's like you're all loved up and walking through a field of peonies and there is nothing wrong with the world! Wonderful quality! So soft and comforting.
from Anonymous on 01/08/2019 favorite floral fragrance.
The nicest of the rose type smells
from Anonymous on 09/06/2017
Not my thing, more the girlfriends, but I am in a agreement very light and fluffy and the nicest of the floral rose type smells. Almost Turkish delight.
Like walking on clouds
from Anonymous on 19/02/2015
Think of romance, innocence and this is it! A beautiful floral, so delicate! You can't go wrong!

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